Earth Co-orbital Asteroid 2002 AA29
Asteroid 2002 AA29 is one of three known examples of horseshoe orbit
behaviour. The asteroid is co-orbital with Earth; the only substantial
difference in orbital parameters being a 10.7 degree inclination. From
time to time, 2002 AA29 leaves the horseshoe behaviour and enters a
quasi-satellite relationship with Earth (Connors et al. [1]), the next
instance being approximately 2580 AD. Using the SWIFT simulation suite
running on the Swinburne supercomputer this project investigates the
orbital behaviour of 2002 AA29, in particular the quasi-satellite phase.
The investigations confirm the presence of quasi-satellite behaviour and
discount the possibility of resonances with Jupiter causing the
Earth Co-orbital Asteroid 2002 AA29 Project
This is a large, one page poster summarising the HET617 Project.
Earth Co-orbital Asteroid 2002 AA29 Poster